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No longer One Day, but Day One - living with a fire burning inside of me

Ashley Isabel Tay

2018 flew by in a blink of eye. If I were to sum up my 2018, I would say it was a year of Growth. A year full of lessons but also a year of many wondrous experiences. Storms will either shake you or strengthen the roots of strong trees. Each and everyday, we all have a choice to allow the storm to break or grow us. Either way, always choose the latter one. Know that your perseverance will always outlive the storms, just like how the sun always shine after the rain.

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven - Ecclesiastes 3:1"

The early rains in 2018 was just like the seeds planted for you, everything that happened was exactly how it needs to be. All the showers that fell all over you were quietly giving care to the seeds that have been planted in you the entire year. They are the seeds of strength, courage and resilience that are growing within you.

2019, is a time to start afresh and awaken. Let bygones be bygones, pains be lessons learnt, wounds be healed and leave no stones unturned. 2019 is a year where we shall harvest from the early rain, as we wait patiently for the latter rain. Let them fall, let the rain overflow all over with blessings. Trust that the season is here, the time has come. You are no longer telling yourself that "One day" will come, but your healing, your happiness, your light is right here right now. It is no longer one day, but it is now Day One.

"As you have Believed, so let it be done for you - Matthew 8:13"

Everything that you have went through last year has prepared you so well for all that are coming for you. You have come thus far. It wasn't easy, but you did. So now, allow the showers of blessings to flood and immerse. You will grow radiant, with your heart throbbing and full, as the riches of the sea flows in you.

Trust that your healing has already begun as each and everyday you are a step closer to where you've imagined yourself to be. Liberate yourself from rooms of darkness and open up new doors to new light. The sun shines in every house. Allow the light to come through as you invite possibilities to follow. But likewise, if you close the windows to shield yourself from the light, you'll be living in darkness. You always have a choice.

- Let Thy will be done

We are all here for a reason, we are all called for a purpose. Each one of us has our own story, journey and trials that leads us to our where we need to be.

Every experience molds us towards a future that brings a sense of uncertainty but yet excitement - a sense of hope that the future will be better. A kind of uncertainty that creates layers of beauty, growth and depth.

We live with a fire burning inside of us, a passion that shines through us.

Find that and hold on to that flame that makes you feel alive. Breathe.

Don't let the commodified life dim your lights. Don't gain the world but forfeit your soul. Look no where else, what you need is within you. You are brave even in the most subtle ways and you are unquestionably, your own superhero.

May we always live in beatitude as we hear our hearts sing in this coming year, with humble hearts and dwelling grace. 2019 is going to be your best year yet!

All the love,


Photo credits: @morganharpernichols

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